While tinnitus normally cannot be cured, there are ways to manage it and improve your quality of life. This includes hearing aids, maintaining your overall health, relaxation, and more.

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a symptom rather than a disease. It’s a sign that there’s something wrong with your auditory system. People with tinnitus experience a persistent buzzing, ringing, or pulsating noise with no external source — meaning it’s coming from inside the body.

Unfortunately, tinnitus is quite common, especially among Australian workers who are exposed to loud noises constantly at their workplace. Of course, noise-induced hearing loss is just one of several health conditions connected to tinnitus. If you’re suffering from tinnitus, it could be caused by one of these conditions:
  • Sinus infection
  • Ear infection
  • Brain tumour
  • Heart disease
  • Vascular disease
  • Hormonal changes
  • Thyroid problems
  • Ménière’s disease

Using Hearing Aids to Manage Tinnitus

If your tinnitus is affecting your quality of life, it may be time to consider hearing aids. Multiple studies have shown hearing aids to be beneficial for tinnitus sufferers, particularly those with hearing loss–related tinnitus. The key benefit of wearing hearing aids is that they amplify external sounds, which can make you less aware of your tinnitus.

Tinnitus is usually at its worst in silent or quiet environments. With hearing aids amplifying sounds and voices around you, that incessant ringing or buzzing of your tinnitus can become much less noticeable, even in quiet spaces. That means social engagements, like family holiday parties, could be the place where your tinnitus is the least present.

Other Ways of Managing Tinnitus

Of course, hearing aids aren’t the only ways to manage your tinnitus. There are other steps you can take at home to improve your symptoms and reduce tinnitus’s presence in your life. This includes:

1. Relaxing and Stress Management

Stressing over tinnitus can lead to it being more noticeable. Try breathing slowly and relaxing your muscles. You could also try meditation, which has helped many people with their tinnitus symptoms.

2. Avoiding Silence

Though meditation can help you with your tinnitus, silence typically makes the symptoms more present. If you’re in a silent or quiet environment, putting on some background music or other ambient noise can help reduce your awareness of your tinnitus.

3. Managing Your Overall Health

Making your overall health a top priority can help your tinnitus in several ways. Living an active lifestyle with lots of exercise and hobbies can help take your focus off your tinnitus. With time, you might also start to find certain foods and drinks aggravating your tinnitus — which you can then avoid.

4. Protecting Your Hearing

Wearing earplugs excessively can make tinnitus worse. That said, only using them when in noisy environments (concerts, loud work sites, etc.) can prevent your tinnitus from escalating.

Take Back Control From Tinnitus

Don’t let tinnitus control your life. Connect Hearing is here to help you manage your symptoms with high-quality hearing aids. If you have any questions or would like to book a hearing test at one of our 130+ clinics, please don’t hesitate to visit the Lyric page, our best products to help with Tinnitus and contact us today.