Having a supportive family and network of friends around you who truly understand what you’re going through can make all the difference in the world. David C says, “I wish they would have been more aggressive in making me understand my hearing was in trouble. However, I can understand why they didn’t/couldn’t.”
This is an important point. Sometimes people in the early stages of experiencing hearing loss may not be as aware of the changes to their hearing as their friends, family and co-workers are of the changes in their behaviour. If you suspect someone you know may be dealing with hearing loss, and not knowing it, you should raise the issue with them Because the sooner they get tested, the better their chances will be of managing their hearing loss in the long term.
Booking an appointment with an audiologist today might be the best thing you could do for your hearing.
We’ll leave the final words for Tara K, who had a lot to say on the subject. “I agree with all of these comments. I was wearing hearing aids & coping quite well after a sudden onset of deafness still no definitive explanation then 3 yrs later woke up with profound hearing loss. Totally gone in both ears. At first people were mostly patient as I was trying to lip-read but struggled with the pace of it. Even when I would point out that I can’t hear someone, or read what they were saying, because they turned their head away from me, they would forget. I would tell them again “Sorry, you turned your back. Can you repeat?” Acknowledged that we are both frustrated but it is what it is. Some family & friends who would chat constantly suddenly didn’t know how to communicate with me or avoided me. Hello, I can still read if you write it down. I now have a cochlear implant & still learning to hear via this wonderful invention & back to the old ways of, as you say, people feeling they need to yell when in fact just slow down & speak clearly & I’ll work it out most of the time. Just had the second ear implanted so hopefully I can hear from both sides. I was always patient with my mum who couldn’t hear very well & just assumed that’s what is required. I learnt who would take the time to repeat & who not to ask to repeat because the response was often “don’t worry about it, it doesn’t matter.” Oh yes, it does. Ever go to a movie and miss the ending and left wondering? That’s how it is for a deaf person. You’re left wondering constantly & feel left out of the conversation. Please be patient, as you never know what is in your future. I realise I could have done it better when I was a hearing person and acknowledge this.”