Osher’s hearing journey is a common one in which most people struggling to hear can relate to. It started off by mishearing words, and feeling like he was really missing out on life. This all quickly changed for him once he was first diagnosed and the right hearing solution was found for him.
What is the campaign about?
Osher shares how he lost his hearing, on the Brisbane live music scene. “Everything was turned up to 11!”
Osher shared with us, while brainstorming the initial idea for the campaign, that it was in fact while he was signing photos for his audience that he first noticed he couldn’t hear words clearly.
Always asked people for their name so that he could personalise the message, he realised that he was hearing “F” instead of “S” – imagine how many mis-spelt messages to Farah, Fally and Fophie there were!
The last straw was the mounting frustration from his wife and family, which is portrayed as dinner with an ex-girlfriend when he mis-hears that she wants to break up with him.
Together as a team, we wanted to bring Osher’s story to life by poking a bit of fun at his younger self – Andrew G, musician and TV presenter of Channel V. By doing this in this way, Osher hopes people will recognise the signs of early hearing loss in themselves, relate to the personal challenges which followed him and do something about it.
The key message we want people to take away is simple. We want to motivate Australian’s to feel empowered to take control of their hearing health.
“At Connect Hearing, impairment such as hearing loss can diagnosed and treated. Jump on to take the
Free Speech Perception Test.”