G’day it’s Susie here,
I don’t know about you but with more and more people wearing face masks these days I’m finding it can be very difficult to communicate and hear people clearly.
I’m also finding that when I take my own mask off, my hearing aids often come off with it! Check out my latest Connect with Susie video to see the nifty little tip I picked up to help stop that from happening.

And If you’re wearing a face mask and talking to someone with hearing loss, there are things you can do to help them understand you more clearly. So remember to: 
  • Slow down and try not to talk too fast
  • Move to a quiet place if you can
  • Use hand gestures when speaking as they can be really helpful
  • Articulate your words and try not to mumble
  • Use an alternative communication method such as texting if possible
 Cheers, Susie.