The Benefits of Hiking With Hearing Aids

Hiking can have benefits for the mind and body. Studies show it can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and even boost your immune system.1 

With hearing aids, you can enjoy these benefits while staying connected to the sounds around you.

Consider these benefits of hiking with hearing aids:2,3

  • Improved communication: if you’re hiking with others, hearing aids can help you communicate efficiently and enjoy shared experiences without missing a beat. 
  • Immersive experience: From birds singing to flowing streams, nature's sounds can be relaxing and uplifting. Hearing aids can amplify these sounds, allowing you to experience a richer, more peaceful hike. 
  • Enhanced safety: hearing aids allow you to pick up on important sounds like rustling wildlife or approaching hikers. Being aware of these sounds can help you respond quickly and stay safe.

Top Tips For Hiking With Hearing Loss

With some preparation, you can keep your hearing aids safe and performing well on the trails. Whatever the conditions, these tips can help you hike confidently and comfortably. 

  • Plan ahead: before you hit the trails, ensure you are prepared. Check your hearing aids sound right and that you have enough battery to stay powered throughout the hike. 
  • Adjust for the weather: consider the weather and environmental conditions you'll encounter and adjust your hearing aid settings accordingly.
  • Stay dry: whether sweat or rain, moisture can affect your hearing aids. If you're concerned about moisture, options available to help manage it include waterproof hearing aids, sweat-resistant covers, and water-resistant cases.
  • Ensure a proper fit: a secure fit means you can focus on the beauty of nature without worrying about your hearing aids becoming loose or falling out. Consider visiting your hearing care professional before you head out to help you get the most out of your hearing aids.

Don’t let hearing loss hold you back from your next outdoor adventure. Hearing aids make hiking more immersive, keeping you alert, safe, and fully engaged with nature. 

Book an appointment at your local Connect Hearing clinic today. Our friendly team can help you find the right hearing aid for your lifestyle so you can continue to hike with confidence!


  1. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (9 July 2016), Hiking: A Low-Cost, Accessible Intervention to Promote Health Benefits, National Library of Medicine, accessed 23 September 2024. 
  2. The Journal of the American Geriatric Society (14 June 2023), Consistent Hearing Aid Use Is Associated with Lower Fall Prevalence and Risk in Older Adults with Hearing Loss, AGS Journals, accessed 23 September 2024. 
  3. Harvard Health Publishing (1 March 2022), Hike Your Way to Better Health, Harvard Medical School, accessed 23 September 2024.