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Online Store
Connect Hearing brings you your one stop shop for hearing aids, batteries, accessories and other devices.
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Healthcare Professionals Referral
Studies have linked hearing loss to social isolation as well as serious issues such as dementia. Find out how you can refer a patient to Connect Hearing.
Connect Hearing Hornsby Clients Rediscover The Beauty Of Sound
With a focus on improving clients’ quality of life, we’re reminded why we come into work every day whenever clients take the time to share how our tailored hearing solutions have helped improve their day-to-day. This week, we greatly appreciated this story from Angela at Connect Hearing Hornsby, who kindly shared her experience with us.
Hearing aid brands
Our portfolio features the best and latest hearing aid models from leading manufacturers to help you once again enjoy a full range of sounds.
Do I need a hearing aid?
Have you recently experienced difficulties in hearing or understanding? Or have you always had hearing problems? Find out how to recognize the signs of hearing impairment, and when it makes sense to seek out a hearing aid. You can also find out whether you need a hearing aid for both ears.
Hearing test
Healthy ears ensure good quality of life, facilitate communication, and strengthen our relationships with others. However, the human ear is the most sensitive organ in the body and its performance may be affected by exposure to noise, or simply with age. If you think that your hearing may have changed, we recommend a hearing evaluation assessment. It doesn’t take long and will give you peace of mind.
First appointment: what to expect? All you need to know
It’s a big step to walk through the doors of a hearing health clinic the first time. The first meeting with a hearing health professional, an audiologist, can be an emotional experience For the first time you have to admit that you might be suffering from hearing loss. Facing reality can be both depressing and scary. But hope should replace negative emotions for taking this step will ultimately improve your quality of life. Many questions will come to mind. Will the clinician understand my needs? Will they be able to find the right solution? Will it be difficult to learn how to use the hearing aid? How much will it cost? Am I eligible for financial support? If you want to learn more about what happens during the first appointment at Connect Hearing, then keep reading.
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