The Link Between Hearing Loss and Social Isolation

The holidays are a time for connection, but the effects of untreated hearing loss can instead contribute to feelings of loneliness. Studies have found that older adults with hearing loss may feel frustration or embarrassment over their difficulty communicating. As they choose to withdraw from social situations, the risk of loneliness and social isolation increases.1 

How to Support Loved Ones With Hearing Loss During the Holidays

Don’t let hearing loss stop your loved ones from enjoying the holidays and conversing with friends and family. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can help your loved ones experience the joy of the festive season. 

  • Move away from the crowds: hearing loss can make hearing a conversation in noisy environments more difficult. Break up a party into smaller areas with designated sections for quiet conversation. This will reduce background noise and make it easier to hear a conversation. 
  • Turn the lights up: holiday parties can involve turning the lights down to show off colourful displays, which can make it harder for people with hearing loss to hear and lip-read.2 Ensure your festive parties and events are well-lit. 
  • Use a microphone for speeches: if you’re giving a toast or speech, consider using a microphone so all guests can hear you. The Roger On 3 is a hearing aid accessory that is designed to enhance conversations in noisy environments or when the speaker is at a distance. If your loved one enjoys socialising, this could be a useful tool all year round.
  • Limit distractions in the home: if hosting a party, limit distractions to make it more friendly for those with hearing loss. This includes turning off televisions or other electronics that contribute to background noise. 
  • Communication tips for better connection: people with hearing loss shouldn’t feel left out of the conversation. Be patient in conversation, resist the urge to shout, face the person and speak slowly.3

What to Do When Your Loved One Seeks Help for Their Hearing Loss

The best gift you can give someone this festive season is support as they navigate hearing loss. If your loved one is ready to seek treatment for hearing loss, you can assist them in their decision by suggesting a visit to their local Connect Hearing clinic for a consultation. Our friendly team will check their hearing and help them manage any concerns, so they can start the new year by reconnecting with the world around them. 



  1. Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surgery (May 2020), Hearing Loss, Loneliness, and Social Isolation: A Systematic Review, National Library of Medicine, accessed 5 December 2024. 
  2. Age of Light Innovations (23 September 2024), Light for listening - and why the moon is gold, Light Notes Newsletter, accessed 5 December 2024. 
  3. University of California San Francisco Health (n.d.), Communicating with People with Hearing Loss,, accessed 5 December 2024